Today is an auspicious day, the spring equinox. Today we are ushered into spring and reminded that the turning point between shorter, colder days and fuller, sunnier skies has arrived. March is a time of transformation, restoration and renewal. It is a time when both our alarm clocks and our internal timers spring ahead into warmth, ease, and maybe even a little fun. It is now when our seeds of motivation and vigor begin to bloom, providing us with a renewed mind, body and spirit. Following these easy steps will make certain that you’ll reap all that you have sowed, just in time for spring!
– Take Responsibility: Your health and well-being is the foundation of a fulfilled, happy and balanced life. Take a genuine look at your recent efforts towards health and happiness. Praise yourself for the areas in which you feel great and be sure not to blame others for what may be lacking in your life. Remember, all that you have, and all that you don’t have, is a direct result of the choices you have made for yourself.
– Discover Your Destiny and Write it Down: Set aside time for self-reflection and create three goals for yourself. Write this plan on paper, and be sure to include a time frame for achieving each goal as well as specific benchmarks along the way that will help keep you motivated and on track. Post this plan on your bathroom mirror or fridge because daily reminders are crucial for ultimate success.
– Build a Dream Team: Be sure that you have at least one person in your corner. Tell this person about your goals and enroll them in helping to hold you accountable for your choices, commitments and triumphs.
– Visualize Prosperity: Be positive and focus your attention on what you most desire. Forget about what you’re lacking and instead think Abundance!
– Release Tension and Reconnect: Make time to destress; go on daily walks, work in your garden, practice yoga, write in a journal and surround yourself with positive people that believe in you and your dreams.